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How Grip Socks Can Help Your Yoga Practice

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Do you find yourselves slipping and sliding on your yoga mat while you practice? It can be distracting and frustrating. Instead of focusing on your practice, you find yourself worrying about sliding on your yoga mat. There is a remedy for this frustration: Yoga Toeless Grip Socks.

Practicing yoga is about finding peace of mind and developing a healthy body. It takes great focus and awareness to achieve this intention when you practice this ancient exercise. Having distracting thoughts can shift your focus away from your practice. Sliding on a sweaty yoga mat can be just as aggravating. 

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Toeless Grip Socks for Yoga

Wearing yoga toeless grip socks during a yoga class will help your practice tremendously. Here is how they work. First of all, an ideal toeless grip sock features a secure heel grip so your socks do not slip off of your feet. Next, the PVC grip dots that cover the surface of your socks actually securely grip to your mat so you do not slide. Lastly, your yoga socks will absorb moisture from your feet; this ensures a clean dry yoga mat while you practice, too. 

There are many standing yoga postures that require steadiness of your feet on your mat. For example, performing Warrior 2 Pose has your front foot firmly planted into the ground. Your back foot, however, is at an angle. If you're foot is sweaty without the use of yoga socks, there is a tendency to slip and potentially fall out of your pose. The grip-action of the socks will ensure a solid and grounded posture. You will feel more confident in your pose and you can focus more intently on your practice.

Grip Socks for Yoga

The same can go for poses like Downward Facing Dog or Dolphin Pose. Because the gripping dots surround the entire surface of the yoga socks, your toes will stick to your mat without the fear of slipping out of your pose.

Grip socks without toes are a wonderful solution for your yoga practice and are quite practical off the YOGAT™ yoga mat, too. During your yoga class, your whole foot remains snug within your socks with just enough movement in your toes. This will allow your feet to stick to the mat when needed and move fluidly through yoga postures and sequences. Further, since your whole foot is covered, you can wear your grip socks comfortably in a pair of sneakers or other shoes. This, too, will allow for full support of your foot and a non-slip experience.

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Barre Bar Grip Socks

Your non-slip grips socks can also be used in other activities like Pilates Classes, Barre Classes, or even just relaxing around the house! The grip socks enhance your confidence and safety knowing that you will not slip and slide during your favourite activities.

If you want to improve your yoga practice by reducing the possibility of external distractions, then a pair of yoga grip socks is a good item to add to your shopping list. You will find that these comfortable, stylish, and supportive piece of activity wear will be a very wise investment.

Matching Grip Socks and Yoga Mat

Need a recommendation for a Yoga Mat? We are proudly close to an amazing Australian Business ‘Yogat’ who works closely with Contemporary Artists, creating not only limited edition collections but being made with tree rubber and natural dyes that are 100% biodegradable and machine washable.

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YOGAT Yoga Mats with SOCK-IT & CO.™ Toeless Grip Socks

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